下一个在线课程开始 2024年8月12日






少至15人 个月




Are you a working professional seeking to enhance your leadership skills and make a lasting impact in organizations? Columbia Inter国家 University’s 组织领导硕士 (MOL) program is designed specifically for you. 具有完全在线的灵活性, 异步的格式, this degree program allows you to pursue your educational goals while balancing your professional and personal responsibilities. 

在整个组织领导硕士课程中, 你将获得知识, 在不同的组织中承担动态领导角色所需的工具和策略, 无论是在美国还是在世界各地. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to equip you with the necessary skills to lead with excellence, 使你能够通过你的领导来改变和推进神的国度. 

在CIU, 我们相信,有效的领导对任何组织的成功和发展都至关重要. Our 组织领导硕士 program focuses on developing leaders who can guide organizations towards the achievement of their vision and mission. 通过对领导理论的全面研究, 组织行为, 战略管理和道德决策, you will gain a deep understanding of the principles and practices that drive effective leadership. 

具有组织领导硕士学位, 你将完全具备在广泛的组织中担任领导职务的能力, 无论是营利性还是非营利性. The knowledge and skills you acquire during your studies will enable you to navigate the complexities of today's business landscape, 激励团队, 促进创新,推动组织发展和成功. 

随着课程的进展, you will have the opportunity to engage with experienced faculty who are not only knowledgeable in their fields but also passionate about developing leaders. 他们会提供指导, 指导和个性化的支持,当你探索不同的领导模式, analyze case studies and engage in discussions with fellow students who bring diverse perspectives from their own professional experiences. 

此外, MOL课程强调将价值观和原则整合到领导实践中. We believe that effective leadership goes beyond achieving organizational goals; it involves leading with integrity, 谦卑和仆人的态度. 你将有机会探索信仰和领导力的交集, 将道德原则应用于现实世界的挑战和道德决策. 

你是否渴望在目前的公司获得晋升, 向新行业转型, 或者追求创业, the MOL program at CIU will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive as a dynamic and influential leader. 用这个高级学位装备自己, you will open doors to exciting career opportunities and have the potential to make a positive and lasting impact in the organizations you serve. 

Join us at Columbia Inter国家 University and embark on a transformative journey of personal and professional growth in the 组织领导硕士 program. 迈出下一步,成为一名卓越的领导者, 正直和一颗改变世界的心. 


澳门新葡京网站组织领导硕士课程, 我们优先考虑你的参与, 实践学习和全球联系. 作为一名学生, 您将受益于高度互动和动态的在线课程, 你将在哪里与来自不同背景和文化的同学合作. This vibrant learning environment will allow you to gain insights from different perspectives and expand your global network, 丰富你的学习经验. 

为了支持您的学习之旅,我们提供辅导服务. 我们的专业导师可以帮助您解决您可能遇到的任何挑战, 确保你有成功完成课程所需的资源和支持. 

We understand the importance of flexibility in balancing your professional commitments with your educational aspirations. That's why our program offers a flexible schedule that allows you to continue working while pursuing your 组织领导硕士 degree. 你可以自由地定制你的学习计划, 把你的课程和作业安排到你现有的工作计划中, 让你的学习与日常生活无缝结合. 

CIU的教授真心关心你的成功. 他们对教学和指导充满热情, 他们会在你的人生旅途中给予你超越一切的支持. 凭借他们丰富的知识和领导经验, 他们会指引你, provide valuable insights and help you develop the skills necessary to excel as a leader in your organization and beyond. 

除了实践技能和知识,你将获得, CIU的MOL项目将伦理原则融入到课程中. We believe that effective leadership encompasses not only professional competence but also ethical conduct and a values-driven approach. 在你的学习过程中, 您将探索价值驱动原则如何应用于领导实践, fostering a holistic understanding of leadership that goes beyond organizational goals to encompass integrity, 仆人式领导和对社会产生积极影响的承诺. 

Come to Columbia Inter国家 University and embark on a transformative journey in the 组织领导硕士 program. 让自己沉浸在与不同学习者社区的在线课程中, 受益于免费的在线辅导, 享受平衡工作和学习的灵活性. 体验专业教授的支持和指导, 谁致力于你的成功和成长. 发现如何提高你的领导效率, 使你能够以正直和目标来领导. 迈出下一步,成为一个自信的人, influential and values-driven leader who can make a lasting impact in the organizational landscape. 



分析 运用组织领导的原则, personal leadership and leadership models that enable you to understand and lead individuals and teams in business and organizations around the world 

评估 并在以下领域实施高质量的组织领导最佳实践: 

  • 战略规划 
  • 团队建设 
  • 变更管理 
  • 金融  
  • 人力资源 

Address issues of organizational systems with effective organizational leadership that allows you to develop solutions to questions and problems 

善于表达 an ethical personal leadership philosophy for a diverse and multicultural 21st century workforce 



  • LDR 6010战略规划

    This course introduces the student to the basic concepts and tools of strategic business planning and management. 研究领导者计划和决策的总体框架. 学生探索战略的概念及其与竞争优势和成功的关系. 学生发现不同的战略工具来评估环境威胁和机会, 包括运用行业竞争力分析. The course shows how to identify organization strengths and weaknesses and how to develop competencies. Students study the strategic positioning of an organization in its industry and the necessary factors responsible for strategy execution.

  • LDR 6011冲突管理与谈判

    学生将发展与原则相关的技能, 流程, and techniques of conflict management and negotiation and will be equipped with the innovative negotiation strategies needed to excel at the bargaining table and develop effective conflict resolution strategies. 学生还将学习圣经原则来解决冲突.

  • LDR 6014人力资源、道德与法律

    This course examines the role of the organization leader as a strategic partner to the Human Resources (HR) and legal function of an organization. 招聘等关键功能, 选择, 发展, 评估, 保留, 补偿, 劳动关系也会被检查. Implications of legal and global environments are appraised and current issues such as diversity training, 性骚扰政策, 并对福利成本的上升进行了分析. 考虑选择雇主的最佳做法.



  • 在线申请
  • 学士学位和任何硕士学位的正式成绩单
  • 本科以上学历,至少2门.平均绩点(GPA在2以下者).(可临时录取)




拥有在线组织领导硕士学位, 你会有更多的职业发展机会和有竞争力的薪水. 你还将学习成为不同领域的有效领导者, 包括业务, 非营利组织, 学校和教堂. 职业选择包括以下职业: 

  • 首席执行官 
  • 首席财务官 
  • 牧师 
  • 负责人 
  • 总统 
  • 首席技术官 
  • 总经理 
  • 业务分析师 
  • 营运总监 
  • 销售经理 
  • 客户关系经理 
  • 管理顾问 
为什么要获得组织领导硕士(MOL) 学位?

CIU的组织领导力硕士课程将为您提供相关知识, 在不同的组织中扮演动态领导角色所需的工具和策略, 无论是在美国还是在世界各地.


The MOL or the 组织领导硕士 is a program designed to train you to become an effective and competent leader in a variety of settings. 以你的专业经验或教育基础为基础, it will sharpen your knowledge with advanced lessons in best practices for leading organizations. 这个学位提供了你可以立即使用的实用知识. 无论你的背景如何, if you are interested in learning leadership skills, CIU的组织领导硕士课程可以提供帮助. 这个学位帮助你创建和管理小型/大型企业, 机构, 非营利组织, 公司和行业有效.


CIU’s online 组织领导硕士 is just as effective as classes offered in person. 无论你在这个国家或世界的哪个地方, 因为类是以异步格式提供的,允许您全天候访问它们. CIU的MOL允许您继续工作,随时随地为您提供可访问性.


请查看 学费和杂费 页面获取最新信息. There are certain discounts and benefits given for military status and to employees and family members of our partner organizations. Our financial aid counselors will help you determine the best way to 金融 this important investment in your future career earnings. 欲了解更多详细信息,请查看我们的 金融援助 页面并选择在线学生的选项 在这里.


